Protein Laboratories Rehovot Ltd.
Ovine super-active leptin antagonist (SOLA) Cat. no. SLAN-3 GENE ID 443534
Porcine leptin - Cat no. LEP-9 GENE ID 396832
Pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) leptin - LEP-10 GENE ID 548631
Rabbit leptin - Cat no. - LEP-11 GENE ID 100008747
Rat leptin antagonist (mutant L39A/D40A/F41A) Cat no. LAN-6 GENE ID 25608
Rat leptin Cat no. LEP-12 GENE ID 25608
Rat pegylated leptin - Cat no. PEGLEP-2 GENE ID 25608
Rat pegylated leptin antagonist (mutant L39A/D40A/F41A) - Cat no. PELAN-2 GENE ID 25608
Rat pegylated super leptin antagonist (mutant D23L/L39A/D40A/F41A) - Cat no. PESLAN-4 GENE ID 25608
Rat super-active leptin antagonist (SRLA) Cat. no. SLAN-4 GENE ID 25608
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